
Inuyasha v.s Fluffy

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Sesshomaru  (aka fluffy) rocks i like to call him puffy though its more funny, not that i want to insult him. they call him fluffy because of his big fluffy tail, witch just happens to be the huge fluffy thing on his right shoulder, cool right. did i mention  they where brothers


i love inuyasha ( not like that) he soooooo cool,. i was suprised that he lost to fluffy for his tetsiga though. i thing its better off with inuyasha any way. i missed the first few episodes so i don't know how he got the wind scar, but i would know how he got the back lash wave. that worm thing was weird.


The super big contest

i dont think i know wich is the better one for real but waching the tv show shur has made me think its fluffy he is my favirite so hears what i want you to do i want you to vote. Go to the littlebox below and send me your vote(inuyasha is better or fluffy is better) the winner will get this page totaly to him(fluffy gets the page or inuyasha), so have fun



Name Sesshomaru (aka Fluffy)
Category Bad Guys
Age Older than Inuyasha, at least 70+ years.
Weapon Tetsusaiga,ki attacks,posion claw,toujikin,etc.
Special Features Sesshomaru has his own moral code system. He is not interested in the Shikon no Tama shards but his fascinated with Tetsusaiga and trying to kill off Inuyasha. Usually does not like humans, likes playing mean tricks on IY. Also Fluffy is short and direct on what he wants.
Description Tall, at least 6 ft in human form and in dog demon form 30-35 ft tall. His name means Rock-paper-scisoors. He hates Inuyasha mainly because he didn't show to defend thier father, is a hanyo, and he fell in love with Kikyo. Also he really detests IY for inhertianting the Tetsaiga and he got in his mind the mediocre Tensaiga.


Name Inuyasha
Category Good Guys
Age 17-18 (excludes the 50 years he was pinned to the tree)
Weapon Claws, Tetsusaiga
Special Features Straight forward, easily irritated, naiive
Description Inuyasha, the main star of the anime is half demon, half human. He possesses a human heart but strong demon like claws and strength. 50 years ago, he tried to obtain the Shikon stone, which can turn him into a full demon, but was stopped by the maiden who protects the stone: Kikyo.


this is only the beggining